Fitness Blog - 9zest
Blog Fitness


Best At-Home Exercises to Prepare Your Body for HIIT Training

HIIT Training
The quest for fitness begins with an active routine. The more you move the healthy you are. Brisk walking, taking the stairs regularly, and adventurous activities in a regular interval do the best for your body. But, at one point, you feel like pushing your limits and start with High-intensity interval training commonly referred as HIIT. However, preparing your body...

5 Reasons Why You Should ‘Brisk Walk’

brisk walk
A small change in your routine can do wonders. And, brisk walk on a regular basis is the best way to do so. So if you have been inactive for quite some time or aren’t young enough to indulge in running (to improve your cardiovascular health), start brisk walking to pamper your health. Here, you don't need to stretch...

5 Foods that Help in Speedy Weight Loss

Foods for Speedy Weight Loss
When you think of shedding some extra kilos, you are more inclined to exercise like an athlete. But if your diet is poor you simply won't shed any weight. After all, weight loss success comes down to the 70/30 (70% diet, 30% exercise) rule. So, if you’re not getting enough time to exercise due to busy schedule then you must...

What’s the Best Exercise for Cardiovascular Fitness?

Cardiovascular Fitness
Ask a fitness expert regarding the benefits of cardiovascular exercises and he’ll come up with a never-ending list. For stronger lungs, better heart function and blood circulation, we need to improve our cardiovascular fitness. That being known, an obvious question may pop up. What’s the best exercise for your cardiovascular fitness? Well, there's no standard exercise that can be...

‘9zest Experience’ Now Available on Web

9zest Experience
9zest recently launched the web version for 9zest Parkinson’s Therapy, 9zest Stroke Rehab and 9zest FixHealth. The web version will allow 9zest users to workout via a web browser. This implies that the same 9zest experience will be available on a bigger screen, i.e., desktop, laptop and Smart TV (using Chromecast, Roku, etc.). This also means 9zest therapeutic solutions now...

Build Killer Quads, right at Home

Build Killer Quads
A Gym looks great with rows of shiny equipment & various neat machines. However, one doesn’t really need all the fancies to work those quadriceps. Just a pair of dumbbell and your own body weight is enough to build and strengthen those upper leg muscles. Include the following exercises in your daily home workout and see your quadriceps grow....

Bring Home Gym with a pair of Dumbbells

Bring Home Gym with a pair of Dumbbells
Every gym has dumbbells, sometimes tucked into a dusty corner or sometimes kept in row upon row, on a rack. Despite their efficacy, many people simply avoid including them in their workout and feel that they require heavy gym machines and equipment to set up a home gym. But, you will be surprised to know that you can still keep...

Asanas to Get Back in Shape – Part 2

Asanas to get back in shape
The science of obesity is complex and ever-evolving. We might not know enough about weight gain - the underlying physiological causes and effects. Without that complete understanding, it’s difficult to suggest definitive treatment plans. Even so, the current studies, coupled with overwhelming evidence, strongly suggest that Yoga can facilitate weight loss. In Asanas to Get Back in Shape –...

Asanas to Get Back in Shape – Part 1

yoga asanas
Believe it or not weight gain has little or nothing to do with your fat intake. Fat is essential for the upkeep of our body that needs it and clearly identifies it. The real culprit behind weight gain is toxins in your body - substances your body cannot identify and so cannot process. In order to lose weight, all we...

This New Year, Attack Obesity Holistically, Right at Home

Attack Obesity Holistically
Having recognized the ill effects of obesity, there are a set of alternatives such as exercise, yoga, meditation and a proper diet. Choosing a balance of any of these or all will help us fight your obesity and get you back in shape, this new year. Exercising daily is a great new year resolution. It helps turn body fat into lean muscle...