UPDRS Calculator

1) Intellectual Impairment (Cognition)
2) Mood
3a) Rest tremor in RIGHT upper extremity
3b) Rest tremor in LEFT upper extremity
4a) Finger taps in RIGHT upper extremity (Patient taps thumb with index finger in rapid succession with widest amplitude possible, each hand separately)
4b) Finger taps in LEFT upper extremity (Patient taps thumb with index finger in rapid succession with widest amplitude possible, each hand separately)
5) Gait
MOTOR COMPLICATIONS (In the past week)
6) Off-time: What proportion of the waking day is the patient “off” on average?
7) Dyskinesia duration: What proportion of the waking day are dyskinesias present?
8) Dyskinesia disability: How disabling are the dyskinesias?

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UPDRS-8 Quiz