- AgnosiaAn individual's inability to process sensory information.
- AneurysmA ballooning and the weakened area in an artery.
- AnosodiaphoriaA condition in which a specially-abled person seems indifferent to the existence of his handicap.
- AnosognosiaAlso known as 'lack of insight'; an individual's inability to understand and perceive his or her illness.
- AntihypertensivesA class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension.
- AphasiaA language disorder that affects the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write.
- ParesthesiaA burning or prickling sensation that is majorly felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet.
- ApraxiaA disorder that deals with the motor planning to perform tasks or movements when asked.
- NeuroplasticityThe brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to environmental stimuli.
- Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)An abnormal connection between arteries and veins.
- AtherosclerosisA condition characterized by the narrowing of an artery narrows due to the build-up of plaque.
- Carotid UltrasoundAn ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique to reveal structural details of the carotid arteries.
- CholesterolA waxy, fat-like substance that naturally occurs in all parts of the body.
- Cognitive DeficitsImpairments in an individual's mental processes.
- Cognitive RehabilitationA program to help cognitively impaired individuals to compensate for cognitive deficits.
- DysphagiaA symptom of difficulty in swallowing.
- ElectrocardiogramCommonly known as ECG, Electrocardiogram records the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time.
- Embolic StrokeIschemic strokes that are caused by a blockage of blood supply to part of the brain (caused by embolus).
- Executive FunctionsA set of mental skills that help an individual look after different aspects of a task.
- FASTA mnemonic to help detect and enhance responsiveness to stroke victim needs. It stands for Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call emergency services.
- Finger FlexorFlexor muscles of the forearm that flexes the fingers.
- Hemispatial NeglectThe brain's inability to be aware of items to one side of space.
- Homonymous HemianopiaA visual field loss on the left or right side of the vertical midline.
- HypersensitivityA condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
- Intrinsic Muscles StrengtheningAn attempt to achieve functional grasp and release.
- Left HemisphereThe left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It looks after tasks dealing with logic.
- Motor Imagery (MI)A mental process by which an individual rehearses or simulates a given action.
- NeuropsychologistsThe study of the structure and function of the brain, specific to psychological processes and behaviors.
- Occipital CortexThe visual processing center of the human brain.
- Occipital LobeThe visual processing center of the human brain.
- Overactive ReflexesSudden, involuntary bending or straightening of a limb, or jerking of muscle groups such as in the trunk, bladder, or rectum.
- ParalysisA loss of muscle function in part of the human body, most often caused by damage to the nervous system.
- ProprioceptionThe sense of the relative position of one's own parts of the body.
- QuadrantanopiaA defect in the visual field that affects a quarter of the field of vision.
- Rapid Involuntary Eye MovementA condition that causes involuntary, rapid movement of one or both eyes.
- Right HemisphereThe right side of the brain is responsible for controlling the left side of the body. It performs tasks that have to do with creativity and the arts.
- SeizuresA sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain, which usually affects how a person appears or acts for a short time.
- PlaqueWhen the body produces too much cholesterol, combines with other substances in the blood and stick to the walls of the arteries. This is called plaque.
- Sensory CueingA signal that can be extracted from the sensory input.
- Sensory ProcessingThe process that organizes sensation from one's own body and the environment.
- The Motor CortexThe region of the human brain involved in the planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements.
- Thrombotic StrokeA kind of stroke which occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one of the arteries that are responsible for blood supply to the brain.
- VertigoA sense of rotation, rocking, or the world spinning, experienced even when an individual is perfectly still.
- Visual Cueing TechniquesA signal that can be extracted from the visual input.
- Visual NeglectAlso known as Hemispatial Inattention; an attention disorder that prevents the patient from attending to stimuli on one side.
- Visual Spatial DysfunctionA disability to tell where objects are in space.