Even though there is no cure for Parkinson’s, certain medication, surgery and alternative methods can help pause or reduce certain PD symptoms in some patients. As different people experience different symptoms and severity levels, one treatment method does not fit in all patients’ disease management plan.
There are a number of medications available for easing PD symptoms. These medications focus on increasing or substituting for dopamine in the brain. Foot swelling and hallucinations are most common side effects of the medication. Commonly prescribed Parkinson’s medications include Carbidopa- Levodopa, Dopamine Agonists, COMT Inhibitors, MAO-B Inhibitors and Amantadine.
Surgery is mainly used to treat people whose PD symptoms cannot be controlled by medication. This method can help patients to control movement symptoms, but cannot completely cure the condition. Currently, the most used surgical treatment for people with PD is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).
Some of the non-clinical treatments to manage the disease include Balanced Diet, Physical Therapy, Yoga, Vocal Cord workout, Music Therapy and Guided Imagery. A balanced diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids promotes overall health improvement for the patient. Similarly, exercises with a focus on resistance help patients relieve Bradykinesia (slowness of movement), Dyskinesia (involuntary movements of muscles) and weakness.