I was happily enjoying my life with my regular job. However after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, I had to take an early retirement as I was unable to perform the regular chores at work.

Ron Brooks

On the eve of World Parkinson’s Day we interviewed those unsung hero who battled Parkinson’s to purge its syndromes. Their efforts and outcomes are presented in their own words to encourage the rest of us.

Real People, Motivational Stories

What was your age when you were diagnosed?

I was diagnosed when i was 47.

How did PD impact your life and what did you do to deal with it?

I was happily enjoying my life with my regular job. After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I had to take an early retirement as I was unable to perform the regular chores at work.

How would you compare your life prior to this event?

Prior to this event my life was easy and comfortable. I was able to carry out my routine activities without having to worry about the falls.

Are you following any exercise program for Parkinson's?

I have been practicing a few exercise programs to alleviate the Parkinson’s syndromes. Additionally, I have been walking around my yard a few times in a day.

Can you tell us about your efforts that would encourage other people with Parkinson's

Sure, I would say remain positive and have faith. Prayers have tremendous potential.

What message would you like to give to people in Parkinson’s community?

Find a good support group around to have help, stay positive and be informed. This is esp. important if you live in a remote area. I’d also advise to be regular in visits to your Neurologist or Movement Disorder Specialist.

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